Search X / Callbacks


You can pass two scopes of function callbacks in the window.sx_${type} objects, on data or on render.

Fields Subfields Allowed Values Description
data fn function Your callback function with two arguments data and facets, e.g. myFunction(data, facets). Results and facet data will be passed to your callback function whenever the query input field is changed. *facets argument returns null for autocomplete.
hide_render false (default), true If true, the respective widget (#sx-autocomplete or #sx-results will not render the results provided as data to your callback function).
render fn function Your callback function without arguments, e.g. myFunction(). This is a data-less callback after all results have been rendered.

Each scope of callback (on data and on render) will send many events, as each of our widgets will generate results on key input into the widget form. These are not singular callbacks, but will trigger on any changes to search query or facet selection. Be warned!

Turn on more console logging.

Fields Allowed Values
debug false (default), true


window.sx_autocomplete = {
  debug: true

window.sx_results = { debug: true }


  // example callback functions for each Search X scope: autocomplete, results
  // these are simple functions that log each data for each respective event

  var myCallbacks = {
    autocomplete: {
      data: function (data) {
        // will contain full results payload as typeof array
        console.log('intercept the autocomplete data', data)
      render: function () {
        console.log('after autocomplete rendered')
    results: {
      data: function (data, facets) {
        // will contain full results payload as typeof array
        console.log('intercept the results data', data, facets)
      render: function () {
        console.log('after results have rendered')

  window.sx_autocomplete = {
    debug: true,
    options: {
      cb: {
        data: {
        render: {
          fn: myCallbacks.autocomplete.render

  window.sx_results = {
    debug: true,
    options: {
      cb: {
        data: {
          hide_render: true
        render: {
          fn: myCallbacks.results.render