Rapid Reviews / Global: custom reviews

Global: custom reviews

Our custom reviews widget is built to support your custom SEO landing pages.

For example, you may want to create an SEO landing page targeting a specific vendor or product type, or even targeting a phrase.

On these targeted SEO landing pages you may want to include reviews that match the theme of your page.

Rapid Reviews Custom Widget


<div id="rapid_reviews_global_custom_list" class="rapid_reviews_global_custom_list"></div>

<!-- TO USE TILED LAYOUT, ADD CLASS .r_tiles -->
<div id="rapid_reviews_global_custom_list" class="rapid_reviews_global_custom_list r_tiles"></div>

    if (window.r_u_c_loaded) return; window.r_u_c_loaded = 1;
    var rvsc = document.createElement('script'); rvsc.type = 'text/javascript'; rvsc.async = 'true';
    rvsc.src = 'https://apps.belkapp.com/api/reviews/files/{{ shop.permanent_domain }}/rapid-reviews-custom';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(rvsc, s);